top of no.7 stained glass

History of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7

The following is an abridged version of both the ‘Historical Sketch’ of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7, published in the Grand Lodge of Scotland year book of 1964 which was compiled by Bro.William Stewart, A.L.A. (one time Chief Librarian of Hamilton Burgh Council and organist of The Old Parish Church and indeed organist of No.7), Grand Lodge records, Lodge minutes and information provided by Bro. Robert M.P.Brown PM, Chap, Bro. John Prentice PM , Bro. Alex H. Stoddart PM, DoC. All of the above have my grateful thanks, Bro. Ian D. Gordon IPM.

17th Century
stained glass of lodge crest on winding staircase

Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7 cannot, at present, produce documents relating to its precise beginnings. A number of documents, however, do exist, the earliest is partially complete minute of the St John's Day meeting of 27th December 1695 on which day the Brethren elected and installed the Office-bearers for the ensuing year and then continued the celebrations with a dinner. The records are sketchy until about 1700 when we have a number of gentlemen of influence and education introduced into the Lodge. It should also be noted that the earliest extant document in the Lodge muniments is a bond dated 1695 but a later document dated 1709, headed ‘List of Fellows of Craft, or Masters and Entered prentices masons of the Lodge of Hamilton’, gives a note of all the Lodge members at that date and in some cases quotes dates of their admission. Opposite the names of two master masons, John Robertoun, Sheriff Clerk and David Crawford, Secry, is a note which states ‘admitted 27 Dece. 1693’. It may be reasonably assumed that the Hamilton Lodge was actually instituted some time prior to 1688.

18th Century
19th Century
20th Century
21st Century